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Presentation Slides

It is possible to reformat almost any MTX file into a "slide show" suitable for projection in a lecture hall or classroom. This page is the index for just such a presentation. Click on the first slide to find out more...


You can project HTML pages for presentation by expanding your Web browser's window to cover the entire screen and increasing the font size. After the lecture, you can make the same materials available to participants over the local network or on the World Wide Web.

Click on the title to continue...

The Layout Tag

Use the "slide" switch with the "%LAYOUT" tag to reformat an MTX file into a set of slides:
  %LAYOUT slide

A non-slide version of this page is also available.

Click on the title to continue...


An MTX document will be broken into slides based on the headings it contains. Each heading will become the title of a slide. Slides are linked together in the order they appear in the MTX file. Simply cut and paste sections with headings to reorder your slides.

Click on the title to continue...


Each slide has three "hidden" navigation links:

Click on the slide title to go forward. Click on the left end of the title to go backward. Click on the right end of the title to return to the index.

Slide Index

Each set of slides is linked to an index page. The index page lists the slide titles in order of appearance providing an overview of the slide set. You can go directly to a particular slide by clicking on its name in the list.

Automatic Advance

It is possible to use the "%REFRESH" tag to automate slide shows presented with Netscape.

This set of slides will automatically advance every 15 seconds unless you click on a navigation link.

Using Images

It is possible to use images as part of an MTX slide presentation.

More on Images

Because of the limited space on the screen it is often desirable to flow text along side of graphic elements. This is possible by using the floating graphics feature of Netscape.

File Names

The file name for each slide is automatically generated by adding a serial number to the base file name. You should limit the base file name to less than eight characters for greatest compatibility. Note that these file names are arbitrary and will change as you add, move, or eliminate sections from the original MTX file. Be sure to update any hypertext links you make to these files when you edit them.

Netscape Extensions

For convenience, these slides use two Netscape HTML extensions to adjust the display:

MTX slides will work with other browsers, but it is up to you to set the appropriate font size, colors, etc.


Currently, MTX cannot resolve links to individual slides. This means that links to anchors such as {#link here#=HERE#} will not work when slide layout is used. These links will work in normal page layout however. This limitation will be addressed in a future version of MTX.
Edited on February 22, 1996 / Updated on March 5, 1996
MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida
Location: http://www.med.ufl.edu/medinfo/mtx/docs/slideoff.html
Contact: Richard Rathe / rrathe@ufl.edu

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